Bar & Restaurant
Our hours of opening are:
Monday 11am to 11pm
Tuesday 11am to 11pm
Wednesday 11am to 11pm
Thursday 11am to 11pm
Friday 11am to 11pm
Saturday 11am to 11pm
Sunday 12pm to 10pm
Food is served Monday to Saturday, 12pm to 2pm in the bar and restaurant and 6pm to 9pm in the restaurant
Monday – Burger Night
Tuesday – Taco Night
Thursday – Thali Night
Friday – Cocktail Menu
Saturday – Live Music – See Events
Sunday Live music sessions every other Sunday!
Winter Menu
Soup and Sandwich (Lunchtime only)
Children’s Menu
We source many of our ingredients locally.
You will never be short of choice in this freehouse with our fully stocked bar, we have a fantastic wine list and a Gin & Rum Menu too. Chilled Lagers, Ciders and Guinness flow from the taps with a great selection of local Real Ales. Check out the below links and choose your tipple before you arrive!
Barista coffee is served daily with the fantastic blend of Brazil Fazenda Cruziero from Olfactory Coffee Roasters, or sip a lovely Cornish Tea or flavoured Tea from Tea Pigs.